Oluseun 25th March 2022

My Mummy Bodija. My early memory of Mummy dated back to the mid 80s. I remember back then when after a long journey to their residence at Old Bodija, I was so famished. Even at that young age then, I could feel how hospitable she was. Seeing how knackered I was, She quickly made feel welcome- a gesture she and her late husband repeatedly extended towards me throughout their lifetime. I still remember vividly I must have gone with her on a number of occasions to the school where she was the headmistress then somewhere not too far from Bodija - if my memory serves me right. She represented in my mind, this image of an Iyalode of Ibadan, due to her panache and beautiful sense of style. She and her late husband's lifestyle made me develop the love for Ibadan. 'Mummy Bodija', as we fondly called her, was a very God fearing woman with consistent and fervent quest for His worship. I recall she took me to my first worship at the Full Gospel Business Men's International at the Preboye's World in Ibadan. And sometimes during holidays in my secondary school days, when I came visiting, I went with her to the then National (now Conoil) petrol station at Challenge and Adabol station at Ashi. She was ever so full of life and always with a hearty smile and laughter; her sense of humour was extraordinary. It hurts when I couldn't get to talk to her shortly before her transition to glory. She and her husband, Professor Adeniyi, of blessed memory, opened up their home to me on several occasions - while studying at the Polytechnic Ibadan, during my engagement at Oodua Group of Companies, and my Chambers & Court attachments during my year of study at the Nigerian Law School. They always made me feel welcome and part of their home... I remain eternally grateful to them. May God grant her eternal rest. Adieu my dear 'Mummy Bodija'. -Oluseun Makindipe